Historical evidence suggests that treatment involving the foot treatment is as ancient as massage. Reflexology uses the energy flow lines in the body which culminate as refelx points in the feet, hands, ears and tongue. Each reflex point represents a particular organ or part of the body. If any malfunction occurs in the body, a blockage will occur in the energy pathway,and tiny cystslline deposits are formed at the reflex point representing the malfunctioning area.
A reflexologist can feel these blockages and reflxology treatment aims to break them down. If you have acute or recurrent health problems, you are advised to consult a qualified reflexologist: the treatment is not only relaxing, but it can bring effective, lasting relief from symptoms.
Foot reflexes can be used as an aid to health by using Swiss Reflex Therapy. SRT is not reflexology, although it does manipulate the foot reflexes, which are massaged in a particular way. The therapy was devised by the author in Switzerland i n 1987. It enables people with bronchial or spinal problems to treat themselves at home.
Ideally, attending a practical SRT course is the best way to learn, although the basic principles are more simple to learn than reflexology. SRT can be used at home for self-treatment and, with daily practice, positive results are achieved fairly quickly.
Use a bland moisturizing cream base and add essential oils: 30 drops of essential oil to every 30ml (2 tbsp) of the cream. Vegetable ois is not suitable for use in SRT.
Swiss ReflexTreatment takes an equal number of drops of essential oil to millilitres of base cream. Stir the cream well after adding your chosen oil.
Swiss Reflex Therapy
Always begin a treatment with the solar plexus reflex area, to relax the body, and end with the kidney-bladder area to help eliminate any released toxins.
The first time you experience pressure on a blocked reflex, the pain may be quite severe and is usually made worse by any stress you are under at the time. You should work only to your own pain threshold and massage the problematic reflex for one full minute, when you will find that the pain diminishes and gradually disappears altogether. If there is no pain, you are either not onthe right reflex, not pressing hard enough, or there is no problem with the part of the body which that reflex represents.
Rest your right foot on the knee of your left leg and massage the solar plexus area with the whole length of your right thumb in a circular motion.
Work as firmly as your pain tolerance level will allow, and hold on to the toes with your left hand if you find it easier. Keep circling, maintaining the same pressure until you feel it easing. Continue until the discomfort has completely gone.
If it still feels painful after one minute, the original pressure may have been too strong. Using circular movements again, massage any reflex areas which present a problem: for example, the lung area if you have bronchial problems, the digestive system for constipation (massaging in a clockwise direction), and the spinal areas for backache, muscular pains, rheumatism or arthritis. For a long area like the spine, do a small area at a time, moving down and repeating until all the spine has been covered. Change your hand position depending on the reflex being treated.
When you have covered the relevant problem area, massage with the full length of your right thumb in a firm oval movement . Again, hold the toes with your left hand if you find it easier. Follow the kidney-urethra-blader: the pressure should be from kidney to bladder, with no pressure being applied on the return half of the circle. Repeat th whole three-step sequence on your left foot, changing your hands over for easier movement.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Posted by HAiNi at 8:30 PM
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