There are some oils which are particularly useful in labour. In the past, these were limited to lavender and clary sage for their calming and relaxing effects. However, there are a few oils with womb-stimulant and analgesic properties, and these can help with contractions: aniseed, clove bud, nutmeg and sage. These oils are absolutely not advocated for the first four months of pregnancy and should not be used until the last week, when labour is about to begin. Used correctly, these oils can help to make the birth easier and quicker, especially for a first-time mother. They are used to relieve pain and induce sleep, and will have a soothing, dulling, lulling effect. Clove bud is particularly analgesic and nutmeg is an effective sedative.
Try a mix of two drops each of any two of the oils with four drops of lavender on a tissue, and inhale between contractions. Some women like to put the tissue into the switched-off gas and air machine, which seems to have the psychological effect of making the oils more efficient.
Alternatively, blend three drops each of aniseed, nutmeg and peppermint with eight drops of lavender into 50ml (2fl oz) carrier oil, and ask your partner to massage your feet and lower legs every half hour. Apply the same mix to your own hands and shoulders, if preferred.
Lower back pain can be eased by massage. Ask your partner to rub the painful areas.
Peppermint and aniseed are analgesic and antispasmodic. Combined with lavender, a blend can be massaged on to the lower legs during labour to ease pain.

Inhalation is the fastest method for an oil's aroma to reach the brain. Aniseed and lavender are calming and can help with contractions.
Nutmeg is a very useful oil for the last stages of labour as it relieves pain and can facilitate delivery. Consult a qualified aromatherapist if you wish to use it.
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