Touch is the most basic human impulse, and massage is a therapeutic extension of touch dating back to ancient times. Hippocrates said that "rubbing loosens a joint that is too rigid", and when we hurt ourselves, our first reaction is to rub the pain away.
To experience a massage under qualified and caring hands is a relaxing experience in itself and it can only be enhanced by the addition of essential oils. If you cannot have treatment by a professional aromatherapist, there are some simple massage techniques you can practise at home on yourself or on a partner, using essential oils for beneficial results. Three simple self-massage techniques follow, together with a routine for Swiss Reflex Therapy (SRT) and useful tips for blending essential oils at home.
Neck And Shoulder Treatment
Day-to-day stresses and anxieties often manifest themselves as tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, and treating this area can bring immediate benefits. One of the best times to work on your neck and shoulders is just before going to bed, especially if stress or insomnia are a problem. This will help to relax you before going to sleep and will put your body into a healing mode. Prepare your choice of essential oils with a carrier lotion or oil. Wear loose clothing or a towel, and remove all jewellery for comfort. Apply a little of the oil mix to both shoulders and begin the massage.

Take your fingers up your neck, repeating the circular movements with your three fingers where there are painful nodules. Repeat steps 2 and 3 if the area is still painful, and finish with several firm circles, as in step 1. Repeat the massage on the opposite shoulder, using your other hand.
Headache Treatment
It is instinctive to rub your temples or forehead when you have a headache. Giving yourself a head massage with one or more appropriate essential oils in a carrier lotion can make the massage more effective.

Dab a little of the essential oil mix on your fingertips and place your fingers and thumbs at the temples. Place the length of your fingers on to your forehead an move them firmly from the centre towards the temples, returning back to the centre. Repeat several times.

Keeping your thumbs in the same position , make circular movements from the centre of the top of your forehead to the upper temple, using only the cushions of your three middle fingers.

Repeat these circles 1cm (1/2 in) lower down the forehead, again moving from the centre to the temples. Repeat the circles, doing the last one at eyebrow level. With thumbs positioned as before, "glue" your fingers in the temple hollows and make firm circles which move the skin of the temples over the bone beneath. Repeat step 1.
Scalp Treatment
A scalp treatment is not only very relaxing, but is also very helpful for everyone who is worried about thinning hair, as it stimulates the hair roots. The roots can become starved of nourishment when the scalp muscle becomes too tight - such as through stress, for example - causing the hair to become thin and weak.
(1) Place the thumbs at the top of the ears and "glue" the fingers to the scalp, moving it firmly and slowly over the bone beneath.
Place the hands on another part of the scalp and repeat. Carry on until the whole scalp has been covered. Repeat steps (1) and (2) several times.
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