To make a compress, add a few drops of your chosen oil
blend to a bowl of water and mix well. Place a piece of
cloth on the water's surface and let the oil soak into it.
Use as needed. Some researches estimate that PMS affects up half of adult women living in modern society. No one knows exactly the cause of PMS, but it is believed that the lowered hormone level in the body after the egg been released is mainly responsible for the collection of mental and physical symptoms which can become apparent eight to ten days before menstruation. Contributory factors include poor nutrition and stress: women often juggle many responsibilities at the same time, with insufficient time to eat properly and relax.
Excessive Water Retention
Fluid retention is thought to be a crucial factor in PMS, as it affects all the cells in the body. PMS may be accompanied by weight gain and shows itself in the swelling of the abdomen, ankles and breasts, which can become very tender and swollen.
Diuretic and decongestant essential oils can be used to help reduce swelling.
Persistent Headaches And Sleep Disturbances
Both a lack of sleep and regular headaches are draining on the body, and will increase stress levels and the inability to cope.
Calming, neurotonic and decongestant essential oils can be used to relieve the headaches and/or insomnia by balancing the whole body.
Emotional Instability
Many women suffer from depression and irritability every month. In some cases, this can be severe and can lead to arguments and difficulties at home and at work.
Antidepressive and calming essential oils, taken as inhalations and baths, can help.
Hormonal Treatment
Some essential oils have a tendency to normalize hormonal secretions, including those involved in the reproductive system. Cypress is helpful for all ovarian problems. Clary sage and niaouli are oestrogen-like, which makes them useful for the stages in a woman's life when oestrogen production is unstable. To balance your hormones, these oils should used in application, baths and inhalations ten to 12 days before the expected start of a period.
For the most effective results, a holistic approach to PMS is essential.
- Amend your diet to boost your general health and vitality.
- Exercise to stimulate your blood circulation and to relieve congestion: try walking, cycling and swimming.
- Avoid stressful situations wherever possible, and ask for help if home or work responsibilities become too much.
- Take your favourite relevant essential oils to work for instant therapy.
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