Eating the Optimum Diet may delay, or even avoid the formation of a cataract within the lens of the eye.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) and Cataracts
ARMD and cataracts are common causes of failing sight, and both can be the result of damage caused by free radicals, and the relative deficiency of other essential nutrients.
Some protection may be provided by:
- Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, especially pulses, which are rich in sulphur, dark green leaves (spinach in particular), red and yellow vegetables for carotenoids, berries for flavonoids, whole grains and nuts for vitamin E, and citrus fruits, kiwi fruits and other rich sources of vitamin C.
- Eating a range of zinc-rich food. Animal foods, such as meat, fish and eggs are good sources of zinc and are easily absorbed. Plant sources of zinc include the germ and bran of grains, as well as nuts and seeds. However, plant sources of zinc tend to be less well absorbed.
- Avoiding fried, grilled and rancid food which are sources of free radicals.
- Avoiding cigarette smoke: smokers who have stopped smoking have an increased risk of developing ARMD for up to 15 years after quitting.
- Taking supplements of PCOs which have no known side effects.
Glaucoma is a condition in which the pressure in the aqueous humour (the fluid that fills the chamber of the eyes) is higher than normal, causing damage to the optic nerve. Glaucoma requires medical diagnosis and treatment. Although it can result in blindness, dietary changes may be of some preventative value. This is especially true for those whose relatives have developed glaucoma, which can be an inherited condition.
Nutrients that may be provide some protection are vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi fruits, parsley and other green vegetables), flavonoids, especially PCOs, magnesium (in dark green vegetables) and chromium (in whole grains, meats, shellfish and vegetables).

Avoiding deafness may not be possible, but modern hearing aids are inconspicuous and powerful.
Loss of hearing has a number of causes, few of which will respond to a nutritional approach. Because it is often part of the ageing process, however, food containing vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi fruits, parsley and other vegetables) and the B vitamins may be helpful as they maintain tissue health. Supplements containing the B vitamins help some people whose deafness is caused by Meniere's disease.
Loss of taste can be the result of zinc deficiency, which will also cause the appearance of white spots on the nails. Zinc deficiency can occur in people with a small appetite or who eat a vegetarian diet. There is also some evidence that the absorption of zinc becomes less efficient with age. Some conventional medications can also cause loss of tastte.
Bilberries (Vaccinium Myrtillus)
Bilberries (also know as blueberries) have been used for food and as folk medicine for many centuries. They provide a rich source of PCOs and can be eaten as berries or prepared as a food supplement.
Possible Benefits
- Improvement of night vision and quicker recovery after exposure to glare
- Prevention and treatment of glaucoma
- Protection against the development of ARMD and cataracts
- Preventionofdiabeticretinopathy
- Reduced symptoms of arthritis and gout
- Improved sugar control in diabetes (under professional guidance)
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