Healing is the restoration of good health. Many alternative therapists believe that good health depends on the freedom with which energy flows throough the body, and that therapy helps to free blockages and restore the imbalance that either causes or results from ill health.
Spiritual Or Psychic Healing
Healing and healers are found in all the world's religions and also outside formal religious practice. Spiritual healing often occurs through the 'laying on of hands', and during the past 30 years a number of nurses and other healthcare professionals have been taught Therapeutic Touch, sometimes known as TT. Other healers provide a distant healing service and do not have direct physical contact with their clients. People often experience the healing energy as a warm or cool feeling that promotes a sensation of well-being and relaxation.
Conditions that can be treated by a healer include:
- Emotional , spiritual and physical ailments.
- Painful joints and muscles.
Reiki means 'universal energy'. Treatment by a Reiki practitioner promotes physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Healing is given when the practitioner's hands are placed on specific parts of the body, although some practitioners do not physically touch the body, but administer healing to the energy field (aura)surrounding the body. Reiki energies appear to provide a longer-lasting benefit when the recipients accept responsibility for the healing process.
Healing is a safe therapy, but you should avoid healers who demand substantial payment, or insist that you change your religious beliefs or abandon conventional medical treatment. The law in different countries can vary, especially regarding healing of children under 18. Healing should be obtained in addition to more formal medical treatment, not instead of it.

Healing therapy is practised throughout the world, and is achieved by the 'laying on of hands' or from a distance without physical touch.
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