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Friday, October 17, 2008


Although they are much less common than the mechanical causes of back pain, certain diseases can contribute to back pain and are likely to need long-term treatment.

Arthritis is a disease that causes pain in the joints that is usually accompanied by swelling and sometimes changes in their structure. Although arthritis usually affects the knees, ankles and wrists, it can also affect the spine and hip joints, causing chronic back pain. One-quarter of all people over the age of 60 have significant pain and disability from arthritis.
There are two major types of arthritis:

  • osteoarthritis - caused by wear and tear of the joints
  • rheumatoid arthritis - caused by inflammation in the joints. It comes about when the immune system, the system in the body responsible for fighting diseases and infections behaves abnormally and starts attacking itself with antibodies.

Ankylosing Spondylitis
An extremely rare disease, (affecting about one person in every 1,000) the cause of which is largely unknown. Spondylitis means inflammation of the spine and ankylosing means fusing. The disease is characterised by low-back pain that may spread to the buttocks or thighs but never below the knee. It mainly affects people under the age of 30 and is more common in men than in women.

A muscle disease that can cause pain all over the body, but mostly affects the neck, spine, shoulders and hips. It can occur as a result of stress, muscle injury or muscle overuse. Fibromyalgia is more common than ankylosing spondylitis and affects between 4 and 20% of people in UK. People with fibromyalgia often have trouble sleeping.

Although osteoporosis itself does not cause back pain,its long-term consequences can result in significant pain. Vertebral osteoprorotic collapse, in which a vertebra breaks down because of underlying osteroporosis,is an example of this.

Osteoporosis is a condition that affects bones and makes them more likely to fracture or break. Our bones are made of thick outer shell and a strong inner mesh filled with collagen,calcium and other minerals.

Osteoporosis occurs when the holes in the mesh become bigger, making it more fragile and liable to break easily. Osteoporotic fractures occur most often in the hip, wrist and spine. Spinal fractures are also called vertebral fractures.

Women who have gone through the menopause are particularly susceptible to osteoporosis because they have lower levels of the bormone, oestrogen, which normally slows down the deterioration of bone.

Vertebral fractures can cause back pain, immobility and muscle spasm, to the extent that turning over, sitting up and getting dressedm for example, can become extremely difficult. Interestingly, however, many people with vertebral fractures do not complain of pain and may be unaware that they have a fracture in the first place.


  • Eat food rich in calcium (eg. milk, fish, vegetables)
  • Eat food rich in Vitamin D (eg. oily fish)
  • Do regular weight-bearing exercise
  • Stop smoking
  • Don't drink too much alcohol


  • Take osteoporosis treatments as prescribed by your doctor
  • Fit anti-slip mats around your home, especially in the bathroom and kitchen
  • Take care when walking on icy or slippery surfaces
  • Wear sensible (low-heeled) shoes
  • Make sure your home is well lit