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Saturday, January 17, 2009


In our sunset years, we have the time to look after our health. Now is the time to use essential oils as a safeguard against problems starting in the first place.

Circulatory Disorders
The regular daily use of hand and/or body lotion containing the appropriate essential oils will maintain a healthy circulation. Used early enough this could delay and, in some cases, prevent, many circulatory problems occurring.

After a stroke, the daily application of a lotion blend to legs and arms, in an upward direction only (to aid blood flow towards the heart), can help to regain movement in affected limbs.

Varicose Ulcers
These ulcers can originate from varicose veins, but they can also arise as secondary symptoms of diabetes, sickle-cell anaemia and rheumatoid arthritis. Essential oils dispersed in water and sprayed on to the area is the best method if the ulcers are too raw to touch. A compress is the next step, followed by application with oils in a calendula base as soon as the area can be touched.

Gentle exercise helps to keep arthritis at bay and maintain a healthy circulatory system.

Arthritis, Rheumatism And Osteoarthritis
The main symptoms of arthritis are pain and stiffness, and of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation and swelling around the joints, especially the knuckles, wrists, knees and ankles. Osteoarthritis is degeneration of the joint cartilage. A common site is the hip and, often, the only cure is to have an artificial hip replacement. Aromatherapy helps to alleviate pain and improve mobility in arthritic joints. The recommended treatment is the twice-daily use of a lotion containing relevant essential oils. SRT (see Swiss Reflex Therapy) is highly beneficial for arthritic hips and knees. Use overnight compresses for affected hands and feet.

Lavender oil soaked into a warm compress can help to relieve the pain of arthritic joints.

Preparing A multi-Purpose Treatment Cream
It can be very useful to have a ready-mixed treatment to hand in case it is needed urgently. Choose an unperfumed base cream and add your choice of appropriate essential oils.

Use toothpick or the handle of a teaspoon to blend the oils into the cream. The prepared cream is ideal for use as a moisturizer or hand cream.

Add a few drops of a self-prepared
essential oil mix to your base cream.
Use 5 drops of essential oil for every
50ml base cream for a moisturizer.

Bronchial Asthma And Bronchitis
Many of the expectorant essential oils, which ease breathing, come from the conifer and melaleuca families, such as pine and niaouli. Try application of the oils in a carrier lotion, rubbed into the chest at bedtime. If a visit to hospital is necessary for any reason, take the lotion with you as it will help to prevent infections, such as pneumonia, which are often picked up in hospital. A daily foot massage using SRT (see Swiss Reflex Therapy) is also helpful.

Many essential oils are anti-infectious and can be of great help against influenza if the y are used early enough: the sooner they are used after the onset of symptoms, the more likely they are to give a positive result. With the onset of a sore throat or fever, add the oils to water and use them as a gargle (see previous post). Try inhalations, aromatherapy baths, or direct application of the oils on to the body via a carrier lotion.

If it it not possible to take a full aromatherapy bath, a hand or foot bath can be as effective for arthritic hands and feet. Add a few drops of your chosen oils to warm water and soak your hands for ten to fifteen minutes.

Digestive Problems
The most effective way to treat digestive disorders with essential oils is by ingestion. Ideally, you should consult a qualified aromatologist. If you decide to treat yourself, it is imperative to use only genuine essential oils and to carefully follow the directions in this post.

Application of recommended essential oils can also give good results. The oils can be mixed in a carrier lotion and rubbed gently on to the abdomen in a clockwise direction, or applied on a compress and left on the abdomen overnight. Massage to the colon reflex on the feet (see Swiss Reflex Therapy), in a clockwise direction, can also be beneficial.

This can occur for a number of reasons: eating too much or too quickly, eating foods which are too rich, or through emotional causes such as worry, impatience and frustration. Essential oils are excellent for indigestion. Relevant essential oils can be used in an abdominal or SRT massage every 30 minutes before a meal.

This may arise as a side-effect of medication or through emotional causes, such as fear and anxiety. Changes in environment and routine can also bring on constipation.

This may be due to anxiety, fear, infections, other medication or an overdose of laxatives taken to relieve constipation.

Small. harmless, thin-walled sacs can form on the colon in elderly people, through insufficient fibre in the diet. Diverticulitis is when these sacs become inflamed and painful, leading to occasional bleeding and chronic constipation. Switch to a fibre-rich diet, and use essential oils for constipation and other anti-inflammatory conditions.

This upsetting condition can be helped by gentle exercise to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Lying on your back, tense and relax your pelvic muscles, by raising your hips 10-20 times a day, at regular intervals. Astringent essential oils can also be useful, taken internally in a tea (see previous post).

Pressure Sores
If a woman becomes bed-bound she is at risk of developing pressure sores, which are notoriously difficult to heal. To prevent these, the patient should be moved every few hours so that she is not left too long in the same position. Rub a mix of essential oils in calendula into the buttock area every day. If weeping sores develop, prepare a mineral water mix (see previous post) with essential oils, shake well and use to spray on to the affected area.