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Friday, August 22, 2008


I read an interesting book regarding how to combat cellulites accumulated in parts of your body. Here what the author said - Herbs and spices are something most of us use every day to flavour food, but they also have potent health giving properties.

So, by choosing cellulite fighting herbs or spices when you cook, you can boost the effects of the cellulite busting foods that you eat. Look through the list and find the ones that will best tackle your cellulite.

An antioxidant, black pepper also helps prevent the depletion of the vital detoxifying enzyme glutathione in the body, which is good news for your lymph. Black pepper boosts circulation and is believed to stimulate the metabolism; although it also stimulates the appetite, so watch how much you use.
Foods it goes well with : almost anything

A potent metabolism booster (something shown by the perspiration that occurs when you eat it), chilli has been shown to increase the speed at which we burn calories by up to 10 percent. As well as this, chilli may also suppress the appetite.

Scientists found that after adding spicy condiments (like Tabasco or chilli sauce) to one meal, women ate considerably less at the next.
Foods it goes well with : fish, chicken, eggs and tofu

High in sulphur compounds, garlic helps boost detoxification in the body. Garlic also helps keep blood vessels supple, boosting circulation. It contains vital ingredients called ajoenes that thin the blood, again improving your circulation.

Garlic is also a source of the vital antioxidant selenium that powers up the skin boosting antioxidant vitamins A, C and E.
Foods it goes well with : almost anything

Known for boosting peripheral circulation, ginger is another metabolism boosting herb (something signified by its slightly spicy taste).

On top of this , it is an antioxidant, containing 21 different ingredients that fight free radicals.
Foods it goes well with : fish, chicken, sushi

Used in Ayurvedic medicine to help reduce fluid, turmeric is also an antioxidant. Its spicy taste makes it a metabolic booster and potentially an appetite suppressant. Ayurvedic wisdom also claims that turmeric boosts energy levels, good for anyone on the Exercise Solution.
Foods it goes well with : chicken, beef, fish, eggs

Although rosehips are known for their high levels of vitamic C, they are aslo rich in the B vitamins, other antioxidants and carotenoids.

Rosewater and rose oil are vital skin strengthening ingredients and it is thought that rosehips can also boost healthy skin.
Foods it goes well with : most commonly used as a rtea, but rosehip syrup or jelly can also be used on toast or crackers (it does contain sugar, so use sparingly)

This is a very diuretic herb and the seeds sprinkled on a salad can help boost the fluid balancing power of vegetables like celery or cucumber. Fennel is also used as an appetite suppresser and so could be helpful if you are finding your diet difficult.
Foods it goes well with : fish, lamb

Rosemary is well known for fighting the capillary fragility that can cause fluid to leak into the surrounding tissues, and is an extremely important ant-cellulite herb. It is therefore included in many brands of anti-cellulite cream. It is also an antioxidant and detoxifying herb.
Foods it goes well with : lamb, beef, chicken, fish

Used as an energizing herb, marjoram is another diuretic. It also helps regulate the bowel, which is good news, as a sluggish bowel can lead to toxins waiting to be expelled being reabsorbed, increasing the risk of allergies, food intolerances nad an overworked lymph system.
Foods it goes well with : meat, oily fish, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines

A good kidney tonic, parsley can help beat fluid retention. It is also a powerful antioxidant and rich in vitamin C. Adding one cup of leaves to a salad, for example, would provide your entire recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
Foods it goes well with : fish, salads, cottage, cheese, jacket potatoes