I read an interesting book regarding how to combat cellulites accumulated in parts of your body. Here what the author said - Herbs and spices are something most of us use every day to flavour food, but they also have potent health giving properties.
So, by choosing cellulite fighting herbs or spices when you cook, you can boost the effects of the cellulite busting foods that you eat. Look through the list and find the ones that will best tackle your cellulite.
An antioxidant, black pepper also helps prevent the depletion of the vital detoxifying enzyme glutathione in the body, which is good news for your lymph. Black pepper boosts circulation and is believed to stimulate the metabolism; although it also stimulates the appetite, so watch how much you use.
Foods it goes well with : almost anything
A potent metabolism booster (something shown by the perspiration that occurs when you eat it), chilli has been shown to increase the speed at which we burn calories by up to 10 percent. As well as this, chilli may also suppress the appetite.
Scientists found that after adding spicy condiments (like Tabasco or chilli sauce) to one meal, women ate considerably less at the next.
Foods it goes well with : fish, chicken, eggs and tofu
High in sulphur compounds, garlic helps boost detoxification in the body. Garlic also helps keep blood vessels supple, boosting circulation. It contains vital ingredients called ajoenes that thin the blood, again improving your circulation.
Garlic is also a source of the vital antioxidant selenium that powers up the skin boosting antioxidant vitamins A, C and E.
Foods it goes well with : almost anything
Known for boosting peripheral circulation, ginger is another metabolism boosting herb (something signified by its slightly spicy taste).
On top of this , it is an antioxidant, containing 21 different ingredients that fight free radicals.
Foods it goes well with : fish, chicken, sushi
Used in Ayurvedic medicine to help reduce fluid, turmeric is also an antioxidant. Its spicy taste makes it a metabolic booster and potentially an appetite suppressant. Ayurvedic wisdom also claims that turmeric boosts energy levels, good for anyone on the Exercise Solution.
Foods it goes well with : chicken, beef, fish, eggs
Although rosehips are known for their high levels of vitamic C, they are aslo rich in the B vitamins, other antioxidants and carotenoids.
Rosewater and rose oil are vital skin strengthening ingredients and it is thought that rosehips can also boost healthy skin.
Foods it goes well with : most commonly used as a rtea, but rosehip syrup or jelly can also be used on toast or crackers (it does contain sugar, so use sparingly)
This is a very diuretic herb and the seeds sprinkled on a salad can help boost the fluid balancing power of vegetables like celery or cucumber. Fennel is also used as an appetite suppresser and so could be helpful if you are finding your diet difficult.
Foods it goes well with : fish, lamb
Rosemary is well known for fighting the capillary fragility that can cause fluid to leak into the surrounding tissues, and is an extremely important ant-cellulite herb. It is therefore included in many brands of anti-cellulite cream. It is also an antioxidant and detoxifying herb.
Foods it goes well with : lamb, beef, chicken, fish
Used as an energizing herb, marjoram is another diuretic. It also helps regulate the bowel, which is good news, as a sluggish bowel can lead to toxins waiting to be expelled being reabsorbed, increasing the risk of allergies, food intolerances nad an overworked lymph system.
Foods it goes well with : meat, oily fish, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines
A good kidney tonic, parsley can help beat fluid retention. It is also a powerful antioxidant and rich in vitamin C. Adding one cup of leaves to a salad, for example, would provide your entire recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
Foods it goes well with : fish, salads, cottage, cheese, jacket potatoes
Friday, August 22, 2008
Posted by HAiNi at 1:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
It is easy to say that you HAVE or MUST exercise as it is for your own good health and well-being and blah blah........ Everyone of us knew that but how many of us enjoy doing exercise without being forced. If you are one of those who finding it hard to get started, or if you are halfway and you find that you are losing interest.
What you need is to give your motivation a KICK-START!!! Here are some tips that will help.
While these are the ultimate goals, focusing on them will not motivate you to exercise, as changes are slow and steady. Instead, create an exercise goal for yourself.
Try to do more star jumps in a minute every session, or run a little further in 20 minutes than you did each time. Every time when you work out, set yourself an achievable goal to beat, you will work harder and get more satisfaction whenever you achieve it. If you do not like to run or jog, you can climb up and down the stairs at home.
Do not try to exert or force yourself to exercise for one hour on the first day because you will lose interest in no time. My advice to take it slowly and as your body get use to the routine, you can slowly increase the time set or limit.
Variety is the key in preventing boredom in every area of your life and exercise is no exception. Every couple of sessions, change something about your workout - do things in a different order or run a different route.
Try a different sport or just do the one you normally do faster or more intensely. Not only does this keep your mind occupied, it also keeps your muscles stimulated and increases results.
Studies have shown that people who work out to music, exercise 25 percent longer than those who do not keep to the beat.
Those who exercised in front of the television stayed put longer than normal. Research has even found that cyclist who sniffed citrus scents before they started found their workout easier than it actually was and they enjoyed it more. Think what interest you to exercise and use it.
Scientists found that people who exercised with a friend were more likely to stick to their goals than those exercise alone.
So, do not hesitate to arrange with your friend or partner to exercise together as both of you are able to motivate each other.
If you do not think you want to exercise, tell yourself you will do 10 minutes and then see how you feel. If you are still not in the mood when you reach that point you can stop.
However, if you think you want to carry on with the exercise, you can continue if you feel up to it. Most of the time, you will proceed in continuing the exercise.
The day you do not, is a day you will really need a break. Do not BEAT yourself up about it. Everyone needs a rest day BUT try not to go more than 72 hours without a workout. The happy hormones(endorphins)produced when you exercise around for 72 hours, making it easier for the next workout.
If you wait longer, it is likely you have to start from scratch and you will eventually feel like quitting.
Posted by HAiNi at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Let's talk about health now. Physical exercise is important for maintaining physical fitness and can contribute to maintaining a healthy weight, building and maintaining healthy bone density, muscle strength, and joint mobility. It also helps in promoting physiological well-being, reducing surgical risks,and strengthening the immune system. Frequent and regular exercise has been shown to help prevent or treat serious and life-threathening chronic conditions such as increased blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia and depression. UNDERWEIGHT If you are underweight, like me, regular exercise helps you to keep fit and healthy. In addition to your regular workout, ensure that you are on a well balanced diet that is sufficient in calories. This is true, I managed to gain weight slowly but surely, after I diligently continue doing it. Now, I just maintain my weight and I am very happy with myself. OVERWEIGHT If being overweight is your problem and you are healthy otherwise, you should do exercise like walking and swimming (low impact) to minimise injuries or aches and pain. You should also exercise at a rate that makes you feel warm, sweat and breathe harder, but not to an extend that you get breathless. If you start to feel breathless while exercising, you should slow down before you continue. You can also stop for a short period (eg. 30 seconds) to catch your breath,then continue at a low intensity (e.g walk slower). BEST TIME OF THE DAY TO EXERCISE The best time would be one that is most convenient for you to exercise regulary. For example, scientists suggest that exercising in the morning is more efective. However, being able to exercise three to five times a week, for 30-60 minutes each time is more important, than the time of the day during which you exercise. REGULAR EXERCISES On average, we should exercise at least three times a week, at least 20 minutes each time. IMPORTANCE OF COOLING DOWN After vigorous exercise, it is important to take 10 minutes or so to cool down gradually. Do not stop abruptly. For example, after a long run or jog, walk around and keep moving, rather than just stopping. Cooling down properly (moving around) redistribute the blood that may have pooled in the extremities when you end your workout, it prevents muscle stiffen because it allows the metabolic wastes to be worked out of your muscles. DRINKING SODAS Coke or Pepsi??? When you're training, neither. Go easy on the soft drinks in your sports nutrition diet. There has been some indication that drinking a lot of carbonated sodas, especially cola, can have adverse effect on bone strength in teenage girls. This would probably also be true of diet sodas (click here for more information) This is controversial and far from proven, but there is no doubt that it alters your body's pH levels. But the possibility plus the proven fact that many people, especially teenages, consume a large percentage, of their calories as soft drinks, which have no nutritional value and displace a proper sports nutrition diet, should make you think twice about drinking a lot of soda.
Definition of health varies from one person to another, therefore below are the examples I quote from:
web. definitions - a healthy state of well being free from disease; "physicians should be held
responsible for the health of their patients"
- the general condition of body and mind, "his delicate health"; "in poor health"
wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - health is a state of complkete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This definition, which was ratified during the first World Health Assembly, has not been modified since 1948. Therefore, Health may be regarded as a balance of physical, mental and social aspects of life in a being.
organicMD.org - health is metablolic efficiency. Sickness is metabolic inefficiency. Nobody is
totally healthy or totally sick. Each of us is a unique combintion of health and
sickness. And each of us has a unique combination of ablilities, disabilities,
both emotional and physical.
polity.co.uk - health is something of an enigma. Like the proverbial elephant, it is difficult to
define but easy to spot when we see it. 'You look well' stand as a common greeting
to a friend or a relative who appears relaxed and happy -'feeling good'!
- health is a topical and important consideration that is relevant to us all. It is also a
controversial concept signifying 'health' as being postive state of happiness and
well being, as well as freedom from illness and disease.
Health encapsulates mental, physical, social, sexual, economic, spiritual and
emotional states, reflection the true complexity of individuals and their lifestyles.
nursing view - health is the word to describe how your body feels. Being healthy is
important because it makes you feel good and live longer.
The importance of regular exercise to keep our whole body fit active and healthy is now well recognised.
Exercise is a major form of self-help, obviously within limits of individual comfort. Both posture and correct breathing are integral part of this, as effort without correct breathing can lead to strain. It is important to ensure that adequate rest or relaxation is taken too (I don't deny that it is easier to say than do in today's busy world!!!!).
Exercises are generally grouped into 3 types dependingon the overall effect they have on the human body:
Each exercise session should be 30-60 minutes in duration, as continuous as possible, and session should be regular three to five times a week. As you get fitter, you would be able to exercise harder without becoming breathless.
Like a sports nutrition supplement, you don't have to give up soda; just don't make it a major part of your sports nutrition diet.
Posted by HAiNi at 12:09 PM 0 comments