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Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hi its me again. As I promised the last posting, these are the words I would like everyone to ponder. No, its not from me, I received mail from fren and therefore I, as usual very unselfish....ha ha.. would like to share with everybody. So, enjoy......

In life just don't trust people,

who change their feelings with time...

Instead trust those people ,

whose feelings remain the same,

even when the time changes...

We make them cry who care for us.

We cry for those who never care for us.

And we care for those who will never cry for us.

This is the truth of life, it's strange but true.

Once you realise this, it's never too late to change.

Never explain yourself to anyone.

Because the person who likes you

doesn't need it, and the person

who dislikes you won't believe it.

Don't let someone become a priority in your life,

when you are just an option in their life...

Relationships work best when they are balanced.

Don't write your name on sand, waves will wash it away.

Don't write yor name in sky, wind may blow it away.

Write your name in hearts of people you come in touch with.

That's where it will stay.

Whatever you give to life, it gives you back.

Do not hate anybody.

The hatred which comes out from you will someday come back to you.

Love others. And LOVE will comeback to you.

For everthing you have missed, you have gained something else;

And for everything you gain, you lose something else.

It is about your outlook towards life.

You can either regret or rejoice.

Remember you are born to live.

Don't live because you are born!

Don't go the way life takes you...

Take life the way go !!!

The most difficult phase of life

is not when no one understands you:

It is when you don't understand


Arrow goes forward only after
pulling in to backward.

Bullet goes forward only after pressing the trigger backward.

Every human being will get happy only after facing the difficulties in their life path...

So, do not afraid to face your difficulties. They will push you forward

Monday, July 28, 2008


Yesterday, was my day off after so many days of working. I was very tired and was really looking forward for the 'DO'.

I did'nt really do much, just resting and went to the library. My niece downloading all the photos we took at Bangkok, Langkawi and as usual she would go to her friendster.

My sister and I started talking about work and colleagues. As usual, I would tell them about all the weirdo oops...over exceptionals, irritating oops....over anxious patients and of course the nice ones I had. It never failed to make me smile and laugh with joy to see the miracles of life that I assisted to bring out to this world. It really does not matter where you come from, what is your nationality, what is your realigion and what is the colour of your skin, to me they are all the same. They need the treatment and care that the nursing personnel could render.

Do you know that I ever wanted to quit working as a staff midwife. WHY.... coz I'm taking care of two lives....yes two - the mother and the newborn. I have seen and encountered incidents that we were unable to control and no matter what we did, and my GOD we did our very very best BUT in our heart we know that we were going to lose.

BUT when I reflected and recalled back the happiness vs the sadness, the failure vs success; I realised that I could not stop destiny but I could help and share happiness around. :)

Out of the blue, my sister asked me whether I had words of wisdom that she could insert in her email or skype. I remembered that she used to copy all the words in her note book. Now, she could not recall where she kept it and poor me I had to search my email, books and internet for words of wisdom.

I managed to find them and ........ my sis was so happy, oh no EXCITED AND DELIRIOUS. In the next posting, I would like everybody and everyone of you to ponder the words ok ok ........... DO NOT GO AWAY SIT TIGHT FOR........

Sunday, July 27, 2008


My friend just email to me and I could not resist to spread around the words of wisdom that she sent. So, everyone out there just relax and sit back.

Listen to the various birds and their saying:

An enemy takes up more space in our head

than a friend in our heart

You feel happiness through what you experience NOT

Because of what you are

THE cheapest facelift

is a laugh

Should you encounter a problem along your way,

change your direction, but not your destination

Everything that annoys us about others

can help us to understand ourselves

Begin each day anew AND

forgive yourself for yesterday

Wisdom is the reward for listening

over a lifetime

It is the very things that we think we know

that keep us from learning what we should

If you search for a perfect friend without faults

you will remain friendless

One's ego is like a river

it may swell but never burst over the river banks

The very best we can give each other is our love

NOT our advice , and certainly not our judgement

A little love is like a drop of water, giving enough

To a wilted flower to righten itself

Forgetting and laughing are better

than remembering and being sad

If there is peace within yourself

there is room for another mind

The most important human right

is the right to dream

Reach for the sun and should you miss
you will still end up amongst the stars

Don't live in the past, don't dream of the future

but concentrate on the present

The greatest change will happen when you stop

believing that you need

What we most need in life is somebody who points out what we could

AND what we are capable of

Life must be lived with love and humour

Love to understand and humour to endure

Not knowing something is normally a milestone on the

way to knowledge

Upbringing is a result of love, patience and wisdom
The last two allow love to rule

Saying goodbye is the most difficult thing in life

AND we never learn to be good at it

Thursday, July 24, 2008

WHo'S To BlaMe??????

This is a story about People named EveryBody, SomeBody,
AnyBody and NoBody

There was an important job to be done and EveryBody was sure that SomeBody would do it.

AnyBody could have done it but NoBody did it.

SomeBody got angry about that because it was EVERYBODY'S job.

EVeryOne thought AnyBody could do it but NoBody realized that EveryBody would not do it.

It ended up that EveryOne blamed SomeBody when NoBody did what AnyBody could have done.

The moral of the story DO NOT DEPEND OR RELY ON OTHERS to do the job that has to be done. YOU have to take action and be responsible in whatever you do!!!!!!!

The Last FOLLOW UP lesson

On 15th July, was the last follow up lesson for the blog course. I appreciated that Fadzuli assisted me with the problem I had with my blog. Thank you very much.

He talked more on how to get traffic to our blog and it made me realised that I did not have a clue about that at all. Now, I have to put more effort and really give a thought to what I actually wanted to do and how to do it.Yes, he did mention that we must have passion to do this if we want to succeed and I believed determination and faith play a part as well.

I have always remember this 2 words: I CAN and whenever I decided to give up I will always look at this card which say ................

DID is a word of ACHIEVEMENT,

WON'T is a word of RETREAT,


CAN'T is a word of DEFEAT,

OUGHT is a word of DUTY,

TRY is a word of EACH HOUR,

WILL is a word of BEAUTY,
CAN is a word of POWER.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008



TAHARAH soap will help to resolve your skin problems.


Research and studies had been done and they developed TAHARAH soap to counter all skin problems and is made from 95% clay. It contains Vitamin A, C, E and other minerals. It is known to cure skin diseases such as eczema, acne, rashes, ringworm, scabies, white spots, itchiness and dry skin.

It helps to cure cracked heels, removed black heads and clear your dandruff.

TAHARAH soap does not contain any dangerous chemicals to the skin as only natural sources have been used in its production.

It is safe and can be used by all members of the family, including your little ones. It does not cause any side effects to the user.

Personally, I have tried and had been using Taharah soap for the past few weeks and it was amazing. My rashes on my back, ezcema on my shoulder and white spots on my chest are clearing off and it feel smoother now.

I have been using a lot of products which were advertised in the media and were recommended by my friends but they were not effective. Even, my cracked heels are cured. It is magical and miracles....CCCCCOOOOOL.....

Now, I continue to use Taharah as a shower soap to take care of my skin. I introduced Taharah soap to my family and they are using it as well.

HOW ABOUT YOU, TRY IT NOW...... FOr more InFormatiON, click here

INforMation in MAlay, click here

Friday, July 18, 2008


That's me next to Fadzuli, then Nur Atiqah, the one in pink is Adisti and followed by Zainon.

I sat next to Adisti in the class and I was glad as she helped me when I could not follow and lost during the lesson. At the end of the course, we took each other phone numbers.
I hope we will keep in touch and insyallah, we will meet again somewhere, someplace. Anyway, Singapore is so small, we will bound to see one another somehow or rather.

Each of us worked in different sectors and it broaden my knowledge and scope about other people's occupation as my circle of friends are mostly in healthcare. Of course, my circle of friends and network

WhO IS He??? HUrry cHecK IT out........

OK, this is our teacher cute and handsome?????? FINd out for yourself and interested to register for the next blog course? For more information, click here


On 18th June, while I was reading newspaper, I saw an advertisement about blogging and affiliate course. I was excited as I wanted to join as an affiliate but do not know what to do.

I tried to do before as what the affiliate mentor asked me to but unsuccessful. I was frustrated because OF COURSE it looked simple but I did not know where to go and how and what to do. In the end I gave up.Here, the opportunity to learn and try again. Yes, so I registered and went for the course on 27th and 28th June.

I admit I was lost as I did not know anything about blogging but Fadzuli (our che'gu) was very patienced and he made sure that all the students understood and knew how and what to do. I enjoyed the class as it was very relaxed and he really spent time with each student.

When my nieces knew that I attended the blogging class, they were curious as to why I wanted to. They are lucky because in school, blogging is part of their curriculum. They said they willing to teach and guide me but I know them very well. They are very impatience and in the end I will lose patience myself. So thanks to Fadzuli now I have my own blog.

Of course, I still need to explore and refine my blog to be the best .. ha... ha..... like real only..............After the course, I explained to my sister about blogging because everytime when her daughter started to blog she would nag. She said her daughter spent too much time on blog and all her other homework could not be completed in time. After that, no more nagging hurra......y......

NOw, my nieces and I started to talk about blogging and they gave me ideas what and how to make my blog look nicer and more presentable.



Mysterious opals contain the wonders of skies-sparkling rainbows, fireworks and lightning, shifting and moving in their depths.Opal has been treasured throughout history all around the world.
It is an old myth that anyone who does not have the opal as a starstone will be the receivers of bad luck should they choose to wear it



Determine AND Forceful
Emotional AND Passionate
Exciting AND Magnetic

ON THE DARK SIDE .................

bEing given only suface DaTa
TaKen ADvaNTage OF
SHaLLoW RElationSHIps


I view myself as an ocean because it is calm and soothing to the eyes. It has low and high tide and just like my moods up and down. I may seem laid back and relax and do not give a "damn" to what people say but it hurts really bad, nobody's knew about it. I became a "clown" who made everyone happy and became counsellor when everyone had problems and just like the waves clearing all the dirty "baggage".
I love to look at the ocean and I wish I can live in the ocean.......... nonsense eh eh.......


Hi my name is Norhaini. I prefer to be call Haini because not everyone can call or pronounce my name correctly. I get annoyed and irritated so to make it simple and easy for everyone just call me Haini.........

Ive heard people been calling me "snobbish and stuck up". I think they do not know me at all and I do look fierce and stern when I am quiet and dreaming in my own world. I hardly talk to someone unknown unless I sense that we can 'click' or I really like the person during my first encounter.

I admit I do take a while to warm up and taking the first step to approach someone I do not know but that does not mean I am unapproachable......